Friday, June 3, is Day 100 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Friday it will also be 100 days since we started Don’t give up Ukraine!. No day to celebrate of course. Even not to commemorate. In these 100 days we gave voice to the experience of the war and reflected on what hit Ukraine and the world in such an unprecedented way. In fifteen conversations we talked about philosophy, religion, human rights, Europe, intellectuals and universities, just peace and Ukrainian literature. All our conversations were inspiring and full of ideas.
Today we look back to these 100 days of war with guests we met earlier in Don’t give up Ukraine!. We explore wartime experiences with philosopher Orysya Bila, journalist Michiel Driebergen, politician and activist Bogdan Pankevych and poet and cultural critic Iryna Starovoyt. What are their most memorable experiences and surprises? What have they learned in this war about Ukraine, Russia, or Europe? Did the war change the world? We also want to look forward a bit. What are their expectations, plans and wishes?
Orysya Bila is philosopher at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, feminist thinker and expert in moral learning in government and public organizations. She is currently living in the Netherlands.
Michiel Driebergen is a Dutch writer and journalist. He reports for radio, newspapers and magazines, like NOS, Trouw, Volkskrant and VPRO. Michiel Drieberger has a long history of writing on Ukraine and is covering the war in Ukraine from day 1.
Bogdan Pankevych devoted his life to a free, democratic, sovereign and independent Ukrainian nation. He took his first steps on his calling when Ukraine was still a member of the Soviet Union. Bogdan Pankevych was honorary consul of the Netherlands in Lviv. His is also prominent politician of the Ukrainian Galician Party.
Iryna Starovoyt is a poet, essayist, and Associate Professor of Cultural Studies at the Ukrainian Catholic University. Born in Lviv she made her poetry debut with the book No Longer Limpid (1997). In 2017 her A Field of Foundlings was published in English by Lost Horse Press.