Read below the latest update (Februari 26, 7:41) by Yaroslav Hrytsak (Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv)
Dear Colleagues and Friends, here is the recent update.
All major cities withstood Russian Attacks – We went through another critical night. All the major cities withstood the Russian attacks. The Russian casualties are 3,500 killed and ca. 200-300 imprisoned.
Resilience – There is a strong feeling of resilience. Our Kyivan colleague is trying in vain to enroll in territorial defence for the third day: the line of volunteers is too long. And here the most important part: unlike in 2014, no local administration in the East and the South sided with the enemy. We keep calling all our colleagues in Kharkiv – which is under bombing attacks – Kyiv, Odessa, and Dnipro. They are safe. We are ready to host them in Lviv in worse come to worst, but they refuse to leave their native cities.
Lviv is very safe – Lviv is very safe. We had two air alarms yesterday, and one alarm this morning, but nothing followed. We keep accepting refugees from the East and South, mostly women and kids.
Amazing work done by TV and radio – The most amazing work is done by TV and radio announcers in Kyiv. They work 24 hours a day, look very exhausted but very optimistic.
Zelensky acts and performs well – And Zelensky also acts and performs very well: he is refusing to leave Kyiv and addresses the nation several times a day. Here is his latest address.
Slava Ukrainii, Yaroslav