Two weeks ago we started our series on the Ukrainian Diaspora with Mychailo Wynnyckyi and Christiana Santore. The Ukrainian Diaspora as a Third Front is still our main topic of interest. Tonight we want to clarify the concept of diaspora itself. Iconic is the Jewish Diaspora or exile as the dispersion of Israelites of their ancient ancestral homeland – the Land of Israel – and their subsequent settlement in other parts of the globe. A very different diaspora is ‘the brutal and chaotic history of Russias exiles, émigrés, and agents abroad’ told by Adrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan in The Compatriots. With Professor Victor Satzewich we discuss diaspora as a concept and reasons and motives for people to leave their country, like victim diaspora, imperial diaspora, labor diaspora, trade diaspora and cultural diaspora. Of course we focus on the Ukrainian diaspora, more in particular in Canada. Especially we like to discuss how the diaspora in Canada developed as a political force. Our interest, however is not primary conceptual and historical. We like to find out how the Ukrainian diaspora acts today as civic force in the war against Russia. Is there a strategy of the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada? What are challenges and successes? What can other Ukrainian diaspora’s – e.g. in Europe – learn from the Canadians?
We are very happy to have as our guest Professor Victor Satzewich. Victor Stanzewick is Professor at the Department of Sociology at McMaster University in Ontario. He wrote an excellent book on our topic The Ukrainian Diaspora. He also published on racism and transnational practices in Canada.